
How to Wax Armpits? Dos and Don’ts for Flawless Skin

Picture this you’ve got a special day ahead, and the only hitch is some unwanted hair under your arms. Ever thought about waxing? It can make your skin super smooth for a long time. If you’ve been unsure or nervous about how to wax armpits? no worries! I’ve got a guide for you, making it easy to get professional-like results at home. We’ll cover every bit of armpit waxing, telling you what to do and what to avoid.

Why Armpit Waxing Matters

Adding underarm waxing to your grooming routine can make a big difference. It’s like a secret weapon for smooth and long-lasting results, giving your confidence a boost. The trick to flawless skin? Nailing the right way to wax your underarms. But before we dive into the details, let’s talk about why waxing is so popular. Unlike shaving, which just trims hair, waxing yanks it out from the roots. Sure, it might be a bit uncomfortable, but here’s the plus: hair takes longer to grow back, and when it does, it’s thinner, giving you a better outcome over time.


  • Longer-lasting results compared to shaving
  • Smoother skin texture
  • Hair regrowth becomes finer over time

how to wax armpitsCons:

  • Potential pain during the waxing process
  • Risk of ingrown hairs
  • The initial cost of purchasing waxing supplies

Keep reading to discover more about waxing, the dos and don’ts, and how to achieve flawless waxing results every single time.

Let’s dive right now!

How to Wax Armpits? Things to Remember

1.      Preparation For Armpit Waxing

You must keep these steps in mind if you want to have smooth and velvety skin.

Exfoliate Your Armpits

Exfoliation is the secret ingredient of the waxing process. It not only removes dead skin cells so that wax can grip well with skin. Proper exfoliation after waxing keeps ingrown hair away.

Wash Your Skin

Ensure that the accumulation of deodorant or sweat doesn’t diminish the effectiveness of your waxing session. Before commencing, be certain to cleanse your underarms thoroughly using soap and water. Afterward, dry your armpits with a clean and soft cloth or towel.

Trim Hair

For the maximum grip of wax on armpit hair, your hair must be up to 0.6cm or ¼ inch. Trim longer hair with small scissors for optimal waxing results.

Take Pain Relievers

If the thought of pain while pulling the wax strip concerns you, consider taking a painkiller. Especially if you’re new to waxing, consider taking one painkiller tablet about an hour before the waxing session to reduce potential discomfort. It’s advisable to avoid alcohol as it can heighten skin sensitivity during the waxing process.

Powder Up Your Skin

To absorb extra oil or moisture from armpit skin, apply talcum powder on your skin before waxing.

2.      Do Choose the Right Wax

Selecting the right wax is paramount. Opt for high-quality, hypoallergenic wax to minimize the risk of skin reactions. Our recommended wax type ensures efficient hair removal while being gentle on sensitive underarm skin.

3.      Do Check the Wax Temperature

Maintaining the right wax temperature is often overlooked but critical for optimal results. Ensure the wax is heated to the recommended temperature to facilitate effective hair removal. Before starting, make sure to check the temperature on your hands or arms. Hands have less sensitive skin than your armpits. Pour a drop of wax on your hand to check the wax’s temperature and consistency.

4.      Do Appropriate Waxing Technique

Mastering the waxing technique is an art. Apply the wax in the direction of hair growth. Ensure a thin even layer of wax spread on all coarse hairs. Make the edges thick for proper gripping during removal. Employ quick, confident movements during removal to minimize discomfort. Precision is key to achieving a clean wax with minimal residue.

5.      Do Raise Your Arm High

Make sure to raise your arms high when waxing your armpits! This simple step will protect your delicate skin from any harm during the waxing procedure. Lift the arm that you’re going to wax.  Use the hand of that same arm to gently stretch the skin in your armpit before removing the wax. The key is to keep the skin as firm and tight as you can.

6.      Do Handle Wax Residue

how to wax armpitsResidual wax can be stubborn but tackling it is simple. Apply a post-wax oil or residue remover to dissolve any remaining wax gently. This ensures your underarms are not only hair-free but also free from any lingering wax, preventing potential skin irritation.

The Don’ts: Common Pitfalls to Avoid

1)      Overlooking Skin Sensitivity

Disregarding your skin’s sensitivity can result in unfavorable reactions. It’s crucial to consistently conduct a patch test before waxing to confirm compatibility with the selected product. This simple step prevents potential allergic reactions.

2)      Reusing Wax Strips

Reusing wax strips is a common mistake that can lead to uneven results and skin irritation. Always use fresh strips to maintain hygiene and maximize waxing efficiency.

3)      Neglecting Aftercare

Taking care of your skin post-waxing is as crucial as the waxing procedure itself. Avoid hot showers, direct sun exposure, and engaging in strenuous activities immediately after waxing. These precautions are essential to ward off potential skin damage and promote a smoother healing process.

4)      Wear Tight Clothes After Waxing

Tightly fitted clothes can often lead to rubbing and additional irritation. So, it’s a great idea to keep some breezy and loose-fitting outfits nearby to slip into once you finish waxing your underarms. Your skin will appreciate it!

5)      Wax the Same Area Multiple Times     

To tackle the challenge of armpit hair growing in multiple directions, adopt a strategic approach while waxing. Smooth results are within reach by following the natural direction of hair growth when applying wax. In instances where armpit hair grows uniformly, a swift, single motion may do the trick. Yet, if that’s not the situation, there’s no need to fret. Apply the wax in easily manageable sections. It’s crucial to avoid repeated applications of hot wax on the same area to prevent potential irritation, so be cautious throughout the process.

Facts and Figures

Facts Figures
Average Waxing Cost $20 – $50 per session
Duration of Results 3-6 weeks
Ingrown Hair Incidence 15% – 20% of cases
Preferred Wax Type Soft wax for armpit hair removal

Cautions You Must Take

how to wax armpits

  • Remember to refrain from washing or bathing your skin before using this product.
  • For optimal results, ensure that your hair is at least 2mm long.
  • It is always recommended to perform a patch test. Wait for 24 hours and if no irritation occurs, you can proceed with the treatment.
  • Avoid waxing If you are using Retinol, Accutane, Glycolic, or Alpha Hydroxy Acids.
  • Do not wax if you have sensitive, sunburned, irritated, or injured skin.
  • It is also advisable to avoid waxing over varicose veins, moles, and warts.
  • Before and after waxing, please refrain from sunbathing.
  • For the next 24 hours after waxing, avoid using deodorants, antiperspirants, alcohols, or astringents on the waxed areas.
  • Keep this product out of reach of children and pets.
  • Improper use such as washing or bathing the skin before use, pulling the wax-up or away from the skin, and waxing the same area more than once in 24 hours may result in irritation, bruising, or skin lifting.


As we wrap up this exploration of the art of how to wax armpits, imagine the confidence that accompanies perfectly smooth underarms. Now equipped with an understanding of how to wax armpits, you are prepared to embrace this grooming ritual in the comfort of your home. Remember practice makes perfect. The more you wax, the smoother the journey becomes. The key to a successful wax lies in preparation and technique. Embrace the initial discomfort as a small price for long-lasting smoothness. So, are you ready to bid farewell to unwanted underarm hair and say hello to velvety perfection? Your smooth adventure awaits! Go ahead, seize the smoothness, and let your armpits become a beacon of confidence and self-care!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How frequently should I wax my underarms for optimal results?

 Aim for waxing your underarms every 4-6 weeks to achieve proper hair regrowth while maintaining consistently smooth skin.

Q: Is it better to perform waxing at home or seek professional services?

Both options are viable. At-home waxing kits offer convenience while professional salons provide precision. Your decision should be based on your comfort level and expertise.

Q: What should be done if irritation occurs after waxing?

If you experience irritation, apply a soothing fragrance-free moisturizer.  Avoid tight clothing to promote the healing of your skin.

Q: Can men undergo armpit waxing?

Certainly! Armpit waxing is not limited to any gender. Men can achieve smooth hair-free underarms just like women.

Q: Is it safe to wax during pregnancy?

While generally considered safe, it’s advisable to consult your healthcare provider before waxing during pregnancy. Ensure proper ventilation in your waxing space for a comfortable experience.

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